Monetizemore vs evadav

Monetizemore vs evadav

Lineako publizitatearen munduan, izen handi asko daude. Jende askorentzat, Google AdSense aukera estandarra izan ohi da, baina zerbitzu-baldintza murriztaileek eta funtzio mugatuak industria alternatiba ugarien garapena ekarri dute.

Alternatiba horietako bi Publizitate Enpresak dira Monetizemore eta Evadav izenarekin ezagutzen direnak, lineako edukien editoreak konektatzen dituzten iragarleek beren web espazio baliotsua erabili nahi duten iragarleekin.

Enpresa horiek bi aukera bideragarri gisa jokatzen dute, baina onura mota desberdinak eskaintzen dituzte bezero base oso dibergenteentzat.

Hona hemen zerbitzu bakoitza nolakoa den eta horietako batek bestea errendimenduari dagokionez ote den ala ez.

Zeintzuk dira monetizemoreren alde eta kontra?

Founded in 2010, Monetizemore is a well-respected company in the online world, with a very good relationship with Google and its affililate services. The company has a sizable global reach, with over 700 publishers in-network, more than 1000 websites serviced, and oversees 15 billion plus impressions every month.

Although Monetizemore isn't as big as many other similar services, its influence can be attributed to its quality over quantity approach to advertising; it only caters to the most valuable web space on the internet and has access to some incredibly top tier advertisers who pay well, are brand safe, and act reliably.

Monetizemore's substantial resource pool also means that it can afford to offer exceptional dedicated services relating to web traffic control, analytics, web security, bid scaling, and revenue guarantees.

Here are some of the advantages to using Monetizemore:

Kalitate trafiko bermea:

Monetizemore uses a tool called Traffic Cop to control the flow of visitors clicking on ads. Traffic Cop is exceptionally good at preventing IVT (invalid traffic), including bots and repeat visitors, from clicking on ads, which substantially reduces the cost of advertising campaigns and make them more profitable for all parties involved.

Eskarmentu handiko langileak:

With almost 300 globally based employees and over 12 years of experience, Monetizemore has an unbeatable number of experts at its disposal that can assist publishers with any number of problems. Regardless of traffic level, domain type, or logistical mishap, it's very likely the Monetizemore platform has someone available who can solve issues when they arise.

Iragarle bikainak:

Monetizemore is what is known as a Google Certified Publishing Partner and has access to a Google Ad Exchange Master account, meaning that the platform has access to some of the best, most high-quality advertisers. There aren't many other similar services on the internet that can hope to match the advertising reach of Monetizemore.

Bezeroarentzako zerbitzu ona:

Monetizemore's customer service is well-known for being top-notch. Representatives and helpful and responsive to client needs.

Zerbitzua abantaila ugariz gero, badira zenbait arazoren artean:

Sarrera Baldintzak:

Getting access to Monetizemore's services has a minimum traffic requirement of 500,000 monthly visitors, which is a huge number that's out of reach for a lot of publishers. Additionally, Monetizemore staff does manual reviews for websites, looking for any tiny detail that might clash with their desired brand image.

Txosten sistema txarra:

Monetizemore's statistics reporting still needs a little bit of work. Certain publishers have access to automatic reporting, which is good, but for a lot of users, they have to manually search for whatever relevant statistics they're looking for.

Zerbitzu mailako arazoak:

Monetizemore offers 4 separate tiers of service; starter, professional, premium, and enterprise. Each gets you some degree of service, but you'll end up having to pay a lot more for highly individualized service. For instance, you can only receive personal account management by Monetizemore staff if you have a premium account or above.

Zein dira Evadav-en pros eta kontra?

Evadav is a service that connects online publishers with advertisers that places a special emphasis on aggressive brand promotion through the use of push notifications. It's designed to service publishers on the smaller side, with a minimum traffic requirement of only 100 daily visitors.

Publizitate eredu espezifikoa bihurketak maximizatzera zuzenduta dago, bisitariek iragarle baten eskaintzak ikusteko, azken finean, argitaletxeen diru-sarrerak izango dituzte.

Here are the pros of using Evadav:


Evadav is a very easy to use and beginner-optimized advertising platform. You only need 100 monthly visitors to a domain in order to access Evadav's advertising tools, which is easily attainable. They also have minimum payouts of $25, so you can realistically receive payments often even if your website isn't the busiest.

Argitaletxe txikia:

In many ways, Evadav is designed to service online publishers with a smaller audience than most. This makes it a great choice for domains that have more niche content that would respond better to very specific kinds of advertising.

Segurtasun ona:

All advertisement come directly from Evadav's domain rather than being directly embedded into a website's files, meaning that there's little risk that a rogue advertiser or visitor could cause damage to your website or gain access to your personal information.

Here are the cons of using Evadav:

Ohar bakarra:

Evadav's greatest strength is the use of pop-up notifications, but it also happens to be its only real strategy. It doesn't really have another ace up its sleeve, which can be an issue in situations where pop-ups don't work well.

Gardeneko trafikoa:

Not all advertisers Evadav has access to are appropriate for all websites. It's not always the case, but many users have experienced ads on their websites that don't match the websites' content very well, causing profitability issues.

Laguntza ahula:

Most likely due to understaffing, Evadav's customer service history is less than stellar. Long wait times, non-responsiveness, and unsatisfactory solutions aren't uncommon.

Bietatik zein da orokorrean?

Monetizemore vs evadav lehiaketa batean, nahiko segurua da Monetizemorek irabazi duela esatea.

Ia edozein kategoriatan, Monetizeminorek abantaila du; Orokorrean, iragarle, bezeroen laguntza, teknologia, segurtasuna eta laguntza eskaintzen ditu gaur egun eskuragarri.

Evadav has its own advantages, but it's only really an optimal choice for very small publishers just starting out; for any other domain owner, there are definitely better options out there.

Galdera Arruntak

Zein publizitate plataforma da onena hasiberrientzat?
Evadav oso erabilerraza da eta hasiberrientzako publizitate plataforma erraza da. Domeinu bakoitzeko 100 bisitari baino ez dituzu behar Evadav-en publizitate tresnetara sartzeko, erraz lor daitekeena. 25 $ ordaintzeko gutxieneko ordainketa ere badute, beraz, askotan ordaindu ahal izango duzu, nahiz eta zure gunea lanpetuena izan.
Nola alderatzen dute Monetizemore eta Evadav argitaletxeentzako eskaintzei dagokienez, batez ere diru-sarreren optimizazioari, iragarkiaren formatuaren aniztasunari eta plataformen irisgarritasunari dagokionez?
Monetizemore iragarkiaren salmenta eta optimizazio aurreratuak bilatzen dituzten argitaletxe handiagoetara egokitzen da. Iragarkien kudeaketa pertsonalizatua eskaintzen du, baina trafikoko bolumen handiagoak eska ditzake. Evadav-ek bertako publizitate eta push jakinarazpenetan oinarritzen da, konpromiso altuagatik ezaguna eta argitaletxe sorta zabalago batera iristen da.

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