Egitekodiad Review For Publishers

Egitekodiad Review For Publishers

If you own a website we have no doubt that you will be constantly looking for ways to monetize it. Why wouldn't you? You want to make money. Half the battle is going to be finding an advertising network that works for you. Guess what? Most of them won't. Most advertising networks are awful. Either they have low payouts or they don't have any advertisers. This is why we were intrigued by Egitekodiad.

Egitekodiad is a revolutionary advertising service. This company takes advantage of complex AI systems to ensure that site visitors are served up the best ads. This leads to increased revenues for publishers. This is coupled with some of the fastest payouts in the advertising network business. Honestly, when we first stumbled across Egitekodiad, we didn't believe their claims. They seemed to be doing things so much better than competing networks. Now, after using them for a few months, we are firm believers. Let's tell you all about them in this Egitekodiad review for publishers.

Ads Served By Egitekodiad

Egitekodiad specializes in both classic push and in-page push ads. Time and time again, these ads have been proven to attract eager eyes. This means that with push ads from Egitekodiad, you have the ability to make much more cash than with traditional banner ads. Based on our experience with Egitekodiad, we have been making a lot more cash than with other advertising networks that we have used. There is something about those Egitekodiad ads that just seem so appealing to site visitors. You should get a good conversion rate on them.

It actually surprised us at just how good these ads looked and how legit is Egitekodiad for Web publishers to generate passive income with content monetization. There are a lot of awful push ads out there. Seriously ugly things. That isn't the case with Egitekodiad. Their ads look stunning. They give your site an air of professionalism which, once again, is going to lead to a far greater chance of some clicks.

Integrating Ads From Egitekodiad

Iragarkiak zure webgunean injektatu daitezke goiburuko kode pixka bat besterik ez. WordPress baduzu, zure lana errazagoa izan dadin erabil dezakezun plugin bat ere badago.

Iragarkien gaineko pertsonalizazio kopuru ona duzu. Horren bidez, iragarkiak, tamaina eta abar kokatzea da, zure push iragarkiak gune bisitari erakargarriak diren bitartean, ez dira gogaikarriak.

As soon as you are registered with Egitekodiad, you can start displaying ads on your site.

Nola hautatzen diren iragarkiak

Orain, magia gertatzen da.

Egitekodiad uses AI tech to serve up ads. It learns about your site. It learns about the visitors. It learns what works and what doesn't work.

Egitekodiad isn't just serving up ads. It is always serving up the right ad for the situation. We mean the _right _ad. Competing ad networks may read a couple of keywords on a page and guess, but Egitekodiad always seems to serve up something a lot more relevant.

Iragarkien garrantzia areagotzeak zure webgunearen diru-sarrera askoz ere handiagoa da. Zure poltsikoan diru gehiago ezin da gauza txarra izan, ezta?

Ordainketa tasak

Payout rates on Egitekodiad are variable. Advertisers are allowed to place 'bids' for traffic. You will be paid for each unique visitor you send on over to an advertiser. The pay will depend on your niche, the country the traffic originates from, and even the operating system.

We can assure you that the payout rates at Egitekodiad are fantastic. They are likely to get much better too. Egitekodiad is fairly new on the advertising scene, but as more advertisers start to realize how great the platform is, we can only imagine that the ad buy rates are going to be that much more competitive.

Ordaintzeko aldiz

We are going to wrap up this Egitekodiad review for publishers with a real banger. This is one of the fastest, if not the fastest, paying ad networks out there.

As long as you have $10 sitting in your Egitekodiad account (not too tough to earn) you can request a withdrawal. Simple as that. The cash can then be sent to PayPal, WebMoney, Paxum, or Payoneer within a day or so (this is manually sent, so takes a bit extra at weekends).

Hau fantastikoa da zure webgunea dirua irabazten ari bada, baina ez dirutan kuboak. Zalantzarik gabe, zure lehen ordainketa lortzeko itxaroten duten beste publizitate sare batzuk jipoitzen ditu, zalantzarik gabe!

Argitaletxeentzako MONDIAAD berrikuspena - merezi al du?

Zintzotasunez? Bai! Webgune txikia zaren ala ez trafiko handia duen ala ez, dirua irabaziko duzu MILDIAAD erabiliz. Izan ere, litekeena da beste publizitate sare batzuekin baino diru gehiago irabaziko duzula.

Egitekodiad oraindik bere haurtzaroan dago, baina atzean talde ona du. Publizitate jokoan hamarkada bat baino gehiagoko esperientzia duena. Badakite nola funtzionatzen duen eta badirudi iragarle ugariak oharrak hartzen hasi direla.

Zure webgunearekin diru gehiago irabazten hasi nahi baduzu (eta lortu ordainketa bizkorrak) eta eman izena mondiad-en editoreentzako gaur egun.

Galdera Arruntak

Zeintzuk dira Mondiad ordainketa tasak?
Miload-en ordainketa-tasak aldatu egiten dira. Iragarleak Eskaintzak trafikoan kokatzeko baimena dute. Iragarle bati bidaltzen dizkizun bisitari bakarra ordainduko zaizu. Ordainketa zure nitxoaren araberakoa izango da, herrialdea trafikoa datorrela eta baita sistema eragilea ere.
Zer eskaintzen du Mondiadek argitaratzaileek iragarkien sareko zerbitzuei dagokionez, eta nola egiten da iragarki formatuaren aniztasuna, diru-sarreren potentziala eta integrazio erraztasuna?
Mondiad-ek iragarki formatu ugari eskaintzen dizkie iragarki, pop-unders eta pankartak barne. CPM tarifa lehiakorrengatik eta erabilerraza den plataforma ezaguna da, iragarkiak integratzea eta kudeatzea nahiko erraza eta eraginkorra den argitaletxeentzat.

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