Admaven vs Monetag-在广告网络之间选择

Admaven vs Monetag-在广告网络之间选择

您已经尝试了Google Adsense的手,它只是增加了足够的美分(双关语)。作为网站出版商,您正在寻找通过广告最好地利用您的网站获利的方法,现在正在选择您选择的广告网络:Admaven vs Monetag。

我们在这里帮助您确定两个广告网络中的哪个最适合您的发布需求:Admaven vs Monetag。我们将探讨这两个广告网络的主要好处和缺点。

在两者之间选择这两个广告网络的哪些特征?哪个广告网络Admaven vs Monetag最适合您网站的内容,利基,流量来源和音量?我们确定了四个因素,可以帮助您确定哪个适合您的网站。

  • 广告网络 - 库存大小
  • 出版商的条款
  • 广告格式及其质量
  • 支付方式


Admaven是一个自助广告网络,以其弹出,Popunder和Push Notification Ads而闻名。 Admaven在全球范围内做广告,这意味着他们也接受全球出版商(还请阅读 Admaven AdSense替代)。

1- Admaven的库存规模



2- Admaven的出版商条款


就出版商接受了哪种类型的内容,它没有指定他们接受和禁止的内容。尽管如此,Admaven还是接受广告商,这些广告商在广告垂直行业中做广告,例如N Nutra,Casino,Forex和Dating,这意味着Admaven也可能会接受出版商的这些内容壁cor。

3- Admaven的广告格式和广告质量

Admaven具有多种广告格式,这些格式是弹出窗口,本机推送,页面上的PEST,ADS Floater(页面横幅),Lightbox,间隙和内容阻滞剂。它最受欢迎的广告格式是弹出式弹出窗口,注册页和本地推广广告。众所周知,弹出窗口和PUSH In Papage(弹出广告)在出版商方面表现良好。它的本机推广广告与Google的政策兼容,并且发布者可以与Google Adsense一起使用此格式。


就广告的质量而言,Admaven为所有广告境服务提供服务,包括Google Adwords和Google Adsense不支持的Crypto等人(如前所述),如前所述。


广告网络需要$ 50的最低支付金额,该金额应通过 PayPal,Payoneer ,Epayments和Paxum支付。通过银行转让的付款要求最低$ 1,000。


  • 监视广告以确保安全和安全性,没有恶意软件
  • 良好,反应迅速的客户支持
  • 反障碍软件
  • 没有发布者的仪表板,只有笨拙的报告
  • $ 50的支付门槛更高


★★★★☆ AdMaven Ad network Admaven值得获得四星级的评级,因为其易于安装,良好的客户支持和反AD阻止软件。它缺乏良好的仪表板,其收视率仅为4星。


借助Monetag,可以从社交媒体帐户和常规网站上获得广告收入的增加(阅读我们的 Monetag评论)。广告网络是一个自我服务的广告平台,发布者可以使用Monetag的用户友好仪表板选择要显示的广告。



With daily impressions of 12 billion, 螺旋桨 have a larger ad network size. This number is good news for publishers as it assures publishers that their ad spaces will always be filled with ads, and hence revenues to the publishers.

2 - 螺旋桨’ Terms to Publishers

螺旋桨 does not state the minimum traffic requirement for publishers to join their ad network. In terms of content niches,

螺旋桨 only accepts websites with mainstream content such as news, business, blogs, and lifestyle. They do not accept content that is prohibited by Google Adsense. 螺旋桨 also only accept publishers with websites that are on paid hosting, as they do not accept publishers on free hosting platforms such as Blogger, Weebly, or Wix.

3. 螺旋桨' Formats and Quality of Ads

螺旋桨 offers push notifications, interstitials, pop-under ads, banner ads, and smart links. For social media marketers, smart link ads can be placed on the marketers’ social media profiles.

In terms of the quality of ads, 螺旋桨 uses applications to monitor their ads constantly to ensure no malware, or unwanted ads are shown. There is also manual monitoring of ads. In addition, 螺旋桨 are Adsense兼容 whereby you can still use Adsense ads alongside 螺旋桨.

Just like Admaven, 螺旋桨 has anti-adblocking software that enables all of their ads to be shown even on browsers that have the adblocking software installed. This only means more ad revenue to publishers.

Even though 螺旋桨 only allow mainstream topics for publishers, the ad network does accept advertisers in the crypto, gambling, dating, and other grey verticals.

4. 螺旋桨' Payments

螺旋桨 has a minimum withdrawal limit of $5, payable weekly. They pay via PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill, ePayments, and WebMoney. Wire transfer is also available at a higher payout amount.

螺旋桨 Pros and Cons

  • 大广告清单
  • 反拼写软件
  • 最低付款门槛
  • Adsense兼容
  • 仅主题
  • 仅来自付费托管平台的出版商

螺旋桨 Ratings - 4.5 stars

★★★★⋆  Admaven vs Monetag-在广告网络之间选择 螺旋桨 is worth 4.5-stars for its large volume of ad impressions, ease of use for social media marketers, and low payout threshold. 螺旋桨’ anti-adblocking software is another winning factor for the ad network.


Comparing Admaven vs 螺旋桨, the winner is 螺旋桨 with its large ad inventory, and lower payment threshold. Nevertheless, both have anti-adblocking software that makes it easier for publishers to earn more ad revenues.



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