Adpushup - Service Overview

AdPushup is an advertising revenue optimization platform. It provides a combination of layout technologies and demand optimization that allows publishers to experiment with their ad layouts to identify issues and improve ad placement and visibility.
Adpushup - Service Overview


AdPushup is an advertising revenue optimization platform. It provides a combination of layout technologies and demand optimization that allows publishers to experiment with their ad layouts to identify issues and improve ad placement and visibility.

AdPushup reviews tell us that the platform helps publishers access over 20 premium partners and increase publisher competition.

Adpushup is a revenue optimization platform and a certified Google Publishing Partner (GCPP) that helps independent web publishers, media organizations, and e-commerce platforms accelerate their growth through ad layout optimization, headline bidding, innovative ad formats, smart ad refresh. advertising mediation and adblock recovery.

Adpushup helps content creators generate more revenue by connecting them to ad exchanges, implementing advanced ad serving technologies, and providing hands-on ad operations experience. This allows clients to maximize their advertising revenue and increase their income.

Some of its features include improved click-through rates, maximizing ECPMS and revenue, recovering blocked ad revenue, highly viewed formats, stimulating bidding competition, and incredibly fast ad delivery. It offers excellent interaction and expert advice, and maintains a reputation for prioritizing a healthy advertising ecosystem.

Adpushup features

The goal of AdPushup is clear: to optimize ads on your website in such a way that they generate maximum revenue. To achieve this goal, the platform offers technologies that have long been known to the advertising world and are now rapidly gaining popularity among publishers.

Next, we'll take a look at AdPushup and take a look at its main tools:

Conversion-Driven Advertising Layouts

In our experience, one of the strongest AdPushup advantage is its ad layout optimization tool.

As a publisher, you can have an idea of ​​how to make your site look good. But do you have verified data to support your decisions - where should your ad go, what type / format should you choose, and what to do next after the ad is ready?

If you are even a little like us, then you better interact with an easy-to-understand visual interface rather than digging into HTML, PHP or CSS.

The ad layout optimization tool offers a point-and-click interface to help non-professionals create new ad units and layouts themselves.

In addition, the algorithm uses machine learning to optimize ad layout through continuous A / B testing. As a publisher, the more work you can automate, the more time you invest in creating great content!

Demand demand

Just like advertisers are looking for premium, targeted inventory for their ad campaigns, publishers also want their inventory in safe hands. Plus, headline bidding helps you get the best inventory value. As a result, many equipment owners are starting to sell headers.

After doing our research, we stumbled upon the demand that AdPushup has to offer its publishers in the industry - titles like IndexExchange, Media.Net, Rubicon, Sovrn, District, Pubmatic, and more. As a publisher, it helps us develop some faith in investing in this practice, knowing that our inventory is in good hands.

Ad blocker counter

According to a Statista report, as of 2019, 25.8% of US internet users use ad blockers. It's like 1/4 of our traffic can't see our ads. In our opinion, this is enough to generate serious FOMO around ad impressions for any publisher.

Ad blocker usage in U.S. | Statista

The adblock recovery solution from AdPushup acts as a remedy here. The solution first detects users who can use AdBlock. Next, while sticking to acceptable ads, show only user-friendly and non-discouraging ads. Best of all, users get the final say on whether they want to see reinserted ads or not.

But why do users agree to see ads again if they blocked it in the first place?

You see, users don't hate ads. They just hate annoying, annoying ads. Adblock recovery only serves ads that meet acceptable ad standards and qualify as acceptable ads.

With AdRecover, AdPushup helps publishers recover revenues that would otherwise have been lost while maintaining high UX standards. The net result is more money in your pocket without having to look for new revenue streams.

Ads that are visible

Much of the Internet is awash with display ads. In an environment where it takes users a few seconds to decide whether to connect to or disconnect from a site, poorly placed ads are more likely to go unnoticed. The industry calls this phenomenon banner blindness.

AdPushup provides innovative ad formats as a publisher solution. Their library includes formats such as in-image ads, in-view ads, docked ads and sticky ads, as well as native. These ad formats are unique and help improve ad visibility and CTR.

Manage everything by yourself

Along with the various ad optimization solutions offered by AdPushup, it also has a consolidated app manager. This means you get an interactive interface where you can manage your inventory and take responsibility for your actions.

For example, if you are using a header bid, you might see an option to add / remove Demand Partners. Or, using the ad layout editor, you can simply create layouts and see the A / B test results populated in the panel.

The best thing is that you get constant guidance from AdPushup. Whether it's about making mockups or need advice with a title suggestion, the support guys, with their professional ad ops experience, help you every step of the way. Being a fully managed platform, they also take over all the work on your behalf.

This gives publishers more flexibility, making AdPushup more publisher-friendly. This is a great option, especially for budding publishers who might otherwise be intimidated by the complex or technical requirements of ad optimization.

Are you using web applications on your computer? They are designed with the end user in mind, and the AdPushup platform works in much the same way.

In addition to the visual layout editor, you will find features like the AdRecover — anti-ad-block solution we just talked about.

Further, the AMP-conversion feature makes it easy to convert web pages to AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). The point is, it is both easy and powerful for you, regardless of your level of technical expertise.

Set up Google Ads conversion measurement for AMP landing pages

If you're working with closed networks that don't bid on headlines, ad mediation uses machine learning to determine which network is most likely to bid the highest bidder.

Many publishers underutilize their ads. So the feature you can use in the app manager is innovative ads. With a simple step-by-step wizard, you can create ad units for placement of securities. The biggest key with AdPushup is looking for big wins along with improvements to maximize your earning potential.

What else? With AdPushup, you can manage multiple sites under one account. This saves time by making it much more accessible for you to dive deep into the intricacies and understand what brings you dollars and cents through the front door.

See the performance at a glance

When you log into your account, you are presented with a clean and reliable dashboard. What's great is that you can see not only your estimated income for each individual web entity, but for your account as a whole, right at the top.

This includes comparing yesterday's earnings to the same day of the last week, comparing the last 7 days to the previous period. Personally, we found it quite comfortable and easy.

Likewise, you can view a graph that compares your performance against AdPushup versus your initial setup, paying particular attention to your page RPMs. Again, this is true both for your account as a whole and for individual websites. You can also choose between date settings such as yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, or this month.

Below that (not shown in the screenshot above), you'll see a pie chart showing your income across networks, helping you decide where to focus and how to align your efforts.

The main navigation in the left sidebar is simple enough to understand, showing an interface neatly packed with data. Viewing individual sites is straightforward, including viewing individual reports and managing individual sites — accessing the AP head code and managing the blocklist.

Moving on to detailed reporting

Speaking about the AdPushup review, this factor should be taken into account. What we discussed above was the dashboard. The AdPushup report is even more detailed. You can select reports based on site, device, network, page group, page variation, and more. In addition, you can select an interval, add filters, view page views, view ad eCPM, and more in reporting data.

If you want to further analyze the data, the reports are easily exported in Excel format. With this data, you can make informed decisions about which opportunities to use.

One approach we find particularly appealing is the ability to generate a report based on the revenue channel. This shows how each channel performed on each date in terms of eCPM ads, impressions, and net income. (This is probably one of the most important things publishers hunt for.)

Such a report should highlight your largest growth areas as well as shed light on the areas with the greatest growth potential. What are you missing out on? Which revenue channels are improving or decreasing over time? Are you on the right track to monetize your ads?


A trusted monetization tool for publishers, AdPushup comes with an intuitive user interface, deep reporting options, and multiple features to take your monetization to a whole new level.

With fast integrations, continuous machine learning optimizations, and easy-to-use payment schedules, we find this is exactly the utility you want to have in your arsenal if you want to really boost your income. If you aren't already using AdPushup, you are leaving money on the table.

Have you really optimized your ads already? we think it's never too late to start. We hope you found our AdPushup review helpful.

★★★⋆☆  Adpushup - Service Overview A trusted monetization tool for publishers, AdPushup comes with an intuitive user interface, deep reporting options, and multiple features to take your monetization to a whole new level.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does Adpushup offer to publishers, and how do these services enhance website monetization and user experience?
Adpushup offers services like ad layout optimization, A/B testing, header bidding, and adblock recovery. These services enhance monetization by improving ad visibility and click-through rates while maintaining user experience.

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